Friday, February 16, 2007

Another Picture Attempt

Ok, I think this may actually work. Here is a picture of Bimala in our "living room" with a chicken. The other picture is Upendra and I attempting to get Makalu in the background. Unfortunately, it is 90% obscurred by the tree. I'm back in Kathmandu now and am heading out in a few minutes to do some sightseeing with Niraj my tourguide/trekking guide. I think it'll be a fun day. We're going to the Monkey Temple which is a famous Buddhist temple. The name comes from the Monkeys that live there and entertain tourists. Then we'll go to Durbar Square in Kathmandu and look at the Malla Architecture. Finally we'll wander around Thamel and do some shopping. I think I'm going to try and get a down jacket. It has persisted to be cold. The day before yesterday they had the first snow in the Kathmandu Valley in 60 years. Yesterday was beautiful and warm but it is cloudy and cold again today. I slept in my sleeping bag and under the covers at the hotel last night as they don't have heat anywhere. However, there is hot water and a bit more variety in food both of which are a welcome change. Ok, going to attempt to publish this with the pictures. If it works I'll give a more thorough update along with more pictures this evening. I also changed the timestamp so that it reflects my time now.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Pictures! Yeah!!! What great shots. And, I like the face hair too! :-)